Sunday 7 June 2009

the travels

traveling is fun.
traveling with a lot of luggage {one of which has rolling challenges} can be quite interesting.

3 hours on one plane and 7 hours on the next brought us to london gatwick, where we had to navigate our way through interrogations at customs, up the lift (which we found means elevator..not bus) and onto a train to begin our journey up north.

the first train lead us to the infamous london victoria station... and i call it infamous, because it was an adventure to say the least. we get spit out in the midst of... imagine a nyc subway station at rush hour...floods of people... busy with their own agendas. rushing past us. down the escalators... our two huge rolley suitcases toppling over... trying to keep up with the flow... making blind turns until we somehow ended up in the right terminal. thank goodness. sometimes in a situation like that... one that could be stressful or scary... all you can do is laugh. and that's what we did. nonethless... 2 planes, 1 tube, and 2 trains later... we saw the comfort of a familiar face in an unfamiliar place.

simon greeted us, refused to let us sleep... which is honestly- all we could think about doing. but instead we took a drive around the wirral {a word i still cannot pronounce} ... but the place we will call home for the next four weeks. this is what we saw. green :)
the lookout point at thurstaston.... view of the irish sea and wales in the distance.
royal liverpool golf club (for dad)... where they held the British Open 2 years ago.
funny story: when tiger woods came over to play, he rented someone's house for 275,000 pounds... replaced the carpets, redecorated the house, flew out his personal pool table, and the owner of the house got to keep it all (allegedly). 
cool pathway at the church of the holy cross. this church has been there since about 700 a.d. and used to be catholic until the reformation. below is a pic of the cool graveyard... which unfortunately has been vandalized by the 'little buggers' on the estate.

our first proper meal was indian... which was also a first for us. everything was delicious... and so colorful. we can't remember the names of the things we ate, but i'll have to write it down, so we can find something like it at home.

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